One of my final pieces for illustration, it was kind of a master's copy. My first time using watercolor. (I'm glad it was just using black)

A fantasy illustration, I chose to do Peter Pan's Captain Hook. I'm not really liking using ink and watercolor together, my outlines are too thick for it. (Prefer just using watercolors by themselves)

This was a five panel comic, the assignment was to illustrate the word "Escape".

This assignment I don't actually remember what it was exactly about, but the shoes were required to take up 75% of the composition.

This was a redo of the assignment "Scavenger hunt". I copied it and redid some of the shading. This was before I became more comfortable with the quill and ink

These are all on the side sketches I did on my small amount of free time. Just my characters and some other random things~
That's it for a while, now I'm going to finish school and hang with my folks! :)
I REALLY like the masterpiece one, very nice! And the redo of the one with the animal. It looks MUCH more like a hyena now :3
I never noticed how crushed the roof of Hess was getting ha ha! It looks awesome. I can't wait until you start playing with colored watercolor, because I bet you'll do great with it.
Also I love how ethnic your characters are. Like, their poses and actions and body in general. It's cool that you can tell what race they are and their heritage.
Thank ya ma'ams~! And I agree with you Em, I like the watercolor too. I brought it with me so I can mess around in it. And thank you Sheila, I think it looks more like a hyena too. I'm glad he had us re-do that one :3
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